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Top Pediatric Dentistry in Lorton, Virginia

Because your child’s smile will go through trials and tribulations indefinitely, they deserve consistent, conscientious care. Lorton, VA dentist Dr. Heba Rashed specializes in maintaining dental health from birth to the late teen years to provide comprehensive health benefits that last well into adulthood.

Our pediatric dentist dedicates their time and energy to thoroughly understanding every stage of your child’s rapidly changing smile. Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that specializes in examining, preserving, and enhancing tooth and gum development from infancy to adulthood. At Petite Smiles Boutique Dentistry, we offer an exceptional range of dentistry services for kids of all ages at our location in Lorton, VA.

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Petite Smiles Boutique Pediatric Dentistry exam area with animal picture on wall

Reimagining How Your Kids View Dental Care

If children are the future, we must ensure that the next generation has the skills they need to succeed. Undoubtedly, kids deserve high-quality healthcare, adequate patient education, and the tools to establish foundational oral health habits.

Kids of all ages deserve dental care that’s curated for the stage that they are in life and their individualized needs. Truth be told, not all dental offices cater to (or even treat) children because it requires extensive training, specialized tools, and boundless patience to take care of little ones.

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Early Dental Care and Education

Still, we believe that all children should receive quality care; for many, the earlier, the better. Getting kids in before they experience cavities leads to a less traumatic experience. We recommend seeing us every six months after that crucial first dental visit. You might believe your child is too young to go to the dentist, but that is not the case if they have their first tooth or their first birthday party is just around the corner.

The point of starting early dental care is that little ones acclimate to the dentistry environment, the specialized tools we use to inspect and clean their mouths, and our friendly staff.

Apart from receiving outstanding pediatric dentistry services, visits at Petite Smiles serve as a method of educating parents on how to best care for their children’s teeth. After inspecting your child’s mouth at a standard dental cleaning and checkup, we educate parents by raising awareness of what they can expect as the rest of their teeth come in. Above all, we want to ensure that kids are maintaining high standards of hygiene at home and in the dentist’s chair to avoid chronic oral health diseases, like cavities, gum disease, and more.

Here’s what you can expect from our Dr. Rashed at every stage of your kid’s life:

exam room with a unicorn drawing on a wall
modern technology at Petite Smiles

Gain Trust and Confidence in

Imagine a kid on the first day of school. Some kids are eager to meet their teachers and new friends, and others are worried sick about being in an alien environment. While we can’t predict how your child will react to visiting the dentist, we can help them feel more comfortable and confident with the process.

Early dental visits help children familiarize themselves with their dentist, raising the chance that they’ll prioritize oral health in the future. When children visit the same dentist often, they tend to gain trust, which makes treatment easier. Plus, Dr. Rashed takes detailed notes of your child’s health and oral history so that she can provide a more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis and child centric care.

Pediatric Dentistry in Lorton, VA

Start your child’s journey to a healthier smile at our boutique pediatric dental practice. From infants to teens, Petite Smiles welcomes kids of all ages who are ready to experience a serene, elevated approach to dentistry. Book an appointment at our Lorton, VA dental office by calling (703) 688-2155 or messaging us online.

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