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Elementary School 6-11 years

Before starting school, your child likely showed little interest in brushing their teeth or eating a healthy diet. When kids enter school, they become more aware of their surroundings and tend to compare themselves to their peers. During this prime time, elementary school children experience many mini growth spurts several times per year, and this rapid change might impact their self-esteem.

Dr. Heba Rashed and her team have extensive training for handling the emotional and health care needs of individuals aged 6 to 11 years. This includes empowering children with the knowledge and skills to care for themselves, which can help them feel good about themselves most of the time.

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Common Oral Health Concerns and Habits From 6 to 11 Years

During these wonderful primary years, your child will go through profound, rapid changes:

Out With the Old, In with the New (Teeth)

In the world of pediatric dentistry, this era of childhood is incredibly nuanced. Starting around age 6 or 7, you expect your child to feel the intense excitement of losing their first tooth (and then, the rest will gradually fall out like dominos). Eventually, you’ll notice more prominent, yellower adult teeth emerge. But don’t worry, this is perfectly normal (if not expected).

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Premature Tooth Loss

While losing baby teeth is a natural part of life, losing primary or permanent teeth too early can lead to adverse effects. If your child’s tooth knocks out unexpectedly, call (703)-688-2155 for emergency dental services as soon as possible. Generally, we will fit a space maintainer between the gap so that the underlying adult tooth has enough room to erupt correctly.


A genuine smile from your child can melt your heart. But, if their teeth appear crooked, gapped, or otherwise misaligned, Dr. Rashed performs an orthodontic screening at every visit at will guide you on when it’s the right time to see an orthodontist.

Believe it or not, this period is the perfect time to start orthodontics and can save your child’s smile from debilitating consequences as they grow older. While a crooked smile might seem cute at first, putting your child’s oral health first by providing them with life-changing orthodontic treatment is even better.

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6-11 Years: A Parent’s Guide to Oral Health During Elementary School

Kids between 6 and 11 are gaining maturity, which means they can become more responsible for their oral health. With that being said, we still recommend consistently monitoring and teaching your elementary school student how to take care of their teeth, including having talks about:

  • Daily Flossing and Brushing
  • Eating a Balanced, Low-Sugar Diet
  • Regular Dental Cleanings and Checkups
  • Orthodontic Screening and Treatment
  • Athletic Mouthguards
  • Dental Sealants

An easy way to incorporate these conversations and habits is to brush teeth, cook meals, and take long walks with serious talks together as a family.

Pediatric Dentistry in Lorton, VA

Start your child’s journey to a healthier smile with our luxury pediatric dentistry services. From infants to teens, Petite Smiles welcomes kids of all ages who are ready to experience a serene, elevated approach to dentistry. Book an appointment at our Lorton, VA dental office by calling (703)-688-2155 or messaging us online.

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