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Pediatric Dental Emergencies in Lorton

Children are curious, brave, and (sometimes) accident-prone. No matter how much we strive to protect our children from harm, there’s still a chance they will find themselves in trouble.

We never want our young patients to need an emergency dentist. But if your child should ever need an emergency dental clinic in Lorton, VA, please promptly call our office at (703) 688-2155. Once you’ve described your situation to our Petite Smiles team, we can determine if your child should be seen immediately so we can prepare a treatment room. We are equipped to handle same-day dental appointments if needed.

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Petite Smiles Boutique Pediatric Dentistry modern wash area

Urgent Dental Care Defined

It’s not always easy to tell if a situation is a dental emergency. Maybe your child is too young or perturbed to describe their oral health problem clearly. Regardless, if you believe your child is in urgent need of emergency dental treatment, please do not hesitate to call our emergency dental clinic.

If your child is experiencing the following, you should immediately call an emergency dentist:

  • Broken teeth or knocked-out tooth
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Acute dental infection

FAQ Pediatric Dental Emergencies

Eventually, children lose their baby teeth. While shedding primary teeth to make room for permanent teeth is natural, teeth knocked out prematurely are considered a dental emergency. Emergency dental care is needed—especially if your child is experiencing discomfort or profusely bleeding.

We evaluate to make sure there is are no other damaged teeth, make sure there is no damage to the permanent tooth underneath, check for any soft tissue injuries, etc.

When a baby tooth is lost too early, the neighboring teeth can start shifting to fill the space and prevent the adult tooth from adequately emerging. Consequently, this can lead to future unnecessary alignment issues that necessitate extensive orthodontic treatment along the road.

Likely, your pediatric dentist will recommend a space maintainer to ensure that the permanent tooth has enough space to erupt, maintain healthy alignment, and avoid destructive oral health issues.

When you call Petite Smiles, we will let you know when we can assist your child. If you need a same-day dentist, Dr. Rashed is often available. Nevertheless, we will pencil your child in as soon as we can.

Accidents happen, so it’s sensible to be a prepared parent. When a dental emergency should arise, we suggest having a few simple supplies on hand. First, you might already have this item in your cabinet: salt. When combined with warm water, you can make a simple saltwater solution to clean your child’s mouth, relieve toothaches, and soothe and heal mouth sores.

Secondly, a roll of gauze can be helpful in many emergencies. For instance, gauze can help impede bleeding from a dislodged or broken tooth.

Finally, we recommend keeping Petite Smile’s phone number in an easily accessible place, like posted on your refrigerator or in your phone address book. If you ever need an emergency dentist in Woodbridge, Lorton, or other surrounding cities, we are equipped to assist your infant, toddler, child, or teen. Give us a call at (703) 688-2155 or message us online.